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       We can't have no enemies, but we must not without a friend, we would like to thank the enemy, because they make us strong, we more would like to thank friends, enable us to defeat the enemy is friend.
     我们都知道起重机是由一些设备组成的,而起重机配件在起重机中是很重要的的,比如说起重机的电动葫芦要是发生运转不动的现象,那么解决措施有哪些呢? 1、可以先检查一下设备的电源熔丝是否烧断,要是断一相的,这样其电动葫芦就不可能转动的起来,起重机的电动葫芦的起动转矩为零,这样其设备的电动机就不会运转,是需要更换足够的熔丝。 2、还有就是电网的电压过低,这样其设备的动转矩与电压的平方是成正比的,加速转矩克服不了负载力矩,达不到运行转速,需要做的就是他要提高设备的电网电压的。 3、定子绕组相间短路、接地或断路,这是指电动葫芦的绕组接地线出现引线接地板处,需要做的是打开接线盒检查。需要注意的是在短路的时候是不可以检查电机的,需要注意的是检查控制设备接线是否正确,要是交流的接触器触头接触不良造成线路不能接通,那么应该将砂纸将接触器触头斑痕磨平,并且在同时还需要检查铁心吸合及断开情况,有无卡阻现象,要是有的话是需要要更换的。
       We all know that crane is made up of some equipment, and accessories in the crane crane is very important, such as electric hoist crane's operation still occur if, then, what are the solutions? 1, you can check the equipment of the first power source fuse is burning out, if break a phase, so the electric hoist is unlikely to turn up, crane electric hoist starting torque is zero, so its motor equipment don't work, is the need to change the fuse of the enough. 2, there is power grid voltage is too low, so its devices regulated torque and voltage is proportional to the square, accelerating torque to overcome the load torque, short of running speed, need to do is to improve the equipment of the grid voltage. 3, stator winding interphase short circuit, grounding or open circuit, this refers to the winding grounding electric hoist line appear lead to floor, need to do is to open the box to check. It is important to note at the time of short circuit is not open to check the motor, it is important to note check control equipment wiring is correct, if ac contactor contact caused by poor contact line can't get through, so should be sand paper will flatten contactor contact spot, and at the same time also need to check the core off and disconnect, presence of jam phenomenon, if there is need to change.
      And abide bygteng hoisting machinery co., LTD., to provide customers with satisfactory service is our company's purposes, we are engaged in sales industry for many years, products well received by customers, have a good reputation in the market. Welcome new and old customers to come to the choose and buy!





下一条: 及时检修行车配件让机械安全运转起来吧     上一条: 行车配件与其它配件密切合作保障行车的安全
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